April BOD Meeting with Guest Chico Rodriguez

Dear Sundance Homeowners:

The Sundance HOA Board of Directors will be meeting will be on Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held inside the Amenity Center located at 1103 Sundance Fort.  

We will have special guests :

  • Sergio “Chico” Rodriguez – Bexar County Precinct 1 County Commissioner
  • Bexar County Sheriffs Department
  • Bexar County Public Works
  • TxDot
  • Representatives from City Mangers Office

They will be listening to our concerns regarding the Arcadia Ridge Development, Potranco Road Development,  TCEQ Waste Water Quality, Annexation,  Crime Issues and many more issues affecting our community. If you are directly effected by any these topics, we strongly encourage you to attend.

Members may attend to observe the meeting, and may have an opportunity to address the Board if time permits, however, this is not a annual meeting.  Should you have any questions, please contact management at 866-473-2573.  Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!
