Category Archives: Alert

Trash Removal Services

Waste Removal Services – Effective March 1st, Metro Waste will be the communities service provider. Tiger Sanitation’s last day of service will be February 26th at which time, they will be removing both trash and recycling containers. Be sure to have both containers placed in front of your property the night before to allow a

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Amenities Center Access Cards

Neighbors, the amenity access system is back online now. Unfortunately the database was corrupted during the failure/fix. As a result we need to rebuild the database so that all of the cards work. In order to keep things as easy as we can on all of you, John has created a fillable form that you

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Amenity Center Announcement

Dear Members of Sundance,   The Sundance Board of Directors is proud to announce that the upgrades to the fitness center and access card system to the amenity center are complete.  The gym received all new professional grade equipment and flooring.  The entire Amenity Center was upgraded with a state of the art surveillance and

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Protect yourself from the mosquitos!

If anyone has been outside recently, they’ve bound to notice that a side effect of recent rains is the return of mosquitos…in a BIG way.  Tuesday, June 4, we’ve found is the night that the county is set to spray our neighborhood to reduce these pests.  We can do our part by eliminating water on

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